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Energy Balancing session

I have now had 2 sessions with Kate, my first in the beginning of December, as a result of which I haven’t had a drink of alcohol in 55 days or a cigarette in 30 days. Kate’s work with me didn’t address either of these unseen (to me) issues directly but she helped me look at some of the deeper, more upsetting and challenging parts of myself. Once I was able to see these things in the light, the desire to end my dependency on any substance became clear. My second session with Kate was earlier this week and we continued to dive deep into some areas of myself that needed some light shone on them as well. The result of which has been an unbelievable and miraculous outpouring of forgiveness and healing for myself and some key relationships in my life and a new confidence to speak from my heart. Kate is a gifted light worker. Her gentle, but honest approach is so filled with love and compassion you cannot help but be blessed by working with her to deepen your connections with yourself and spirit.


Lea Blaney

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"Kate is a remarkable and compassionate

Red Lotus Practioner.  She creates a safe and nurturing

environment for activating the glorious woman within."


Denise Linn,


Founder International Red Lotus Women's Mystery School  




“There is nothing so powerful as a woman who knows her worth and revels in the wild magic that glows within her.”

― Denise Linn

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